Wednesday 23 April 2008

You'll never walk alone

I think I might be going crazy because I keep taking over shifts so I can work with nice colleagues. But also to get rid of my own Saturdays. It's depressing to work weekends.

When I got to the museum, Benedikt was just about to leave. He really is my favourite colleague - he asked me which days I wanted to do from September on and if I wanted to work together. It's great to have someone ask you if you want to work together, especially because he's got quite a lot of other friends among our team. It will be good to work with him again, I miss our weekly banter and his gruff, friendly way of telling me that I'm basically kind of stupid.

The reason I didn't mind working today - even if the museum was opened until nine which basically meant working six hours straight with only one break - was because I've made some friends among the new people. It doesn't take much to get on with people, but it's usually on a slightly awkward small-talk-level. However, I instantly got on with those boys from Lower Austria. They're just really odd and funny, friends who kind of keep to themselves, but they've now included me into their jokes and ways of killing time. I'm honoured!
Today we did riddles. Last time we did useless knowledge. Here's a riddle I asked them to solve:

It cannot be seen, cannot be felt,
Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt.
It lies behind stars and under hills,
And empty holes it fills.
It comes first and follows after,
Ends life, kills laughter.

One of them got them all right. It was amazing! We did this for hours.

It's funny how sometimes people who know nothing about you can make you feel better than those you've known for a while. Just to see them grin when they realise you're going to work together that day is nice. It's about being included in something which is great as I feel notoriously excluded in real life. When all your friends are busy with other friends, when everyone seems to be part of a tightly-knit clique anyway, it's a relief to see someone openly seeking your company, choosing it over other people's even. I suppose I should feel bad about that as it's quite petty and also pathetic to need that sort of camaraderie...but I guess you take what you can get.
And in my case that's a joke about youth culture.

Fällt ein Krocha in den Nil.
Zwei Krokodile schwimmen auf ihn zu.
Der Krocha sagt: "Super, zwei Lacoste-Rettungsboote!"

Martin almost fell over with laughter when he told me this.

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