Thursday, 27 January 2011


"Paradoxically, it was the "conformists", who appeared, in form at least, to accept the values of the school (the hegemonic instrument par excellence in modern society), who posed the threat. Because they operated as if they accepted the implicit promise of the dominant ideology (If you work hard, obey authority, do well in school, and keep your nose clean you will advance by merit and have satisfying work) they made sacrifices of self-discipline and control and developed expectations that were usually betrayed. (...)
The system may have most to fear from those subordinates among whom the institutions of hegemony have been most successful. The disillusioned mission boy is always a graver threat to an established religion than the pagans who were never taken in by its promises. The anger born of a sense of betrayal implies an earlier faith."

James C. Scott, "Domination and the Arts of Resistance. Hidden Transcripts."


  1. PS: Dieser Haarschnitt steht dir so so gut!

  2. Wann rebellieren wir denn endlich? (Passphotoautomaten verwenden seit neuestem anscheinend Photoshop oder so!)

  3. Rebellion geht von statten, sobald es mehr als 15°C hat! Aber fix.

  4. scharfe braut! wenn ich das buch über das menschlische verlangen nach kooperation und schimpansen (nicht etwa das verlangen nach schimpansen) fertig gelesen habe, will ich meinen kopf auch mit solchen texten wie obenstehenden füllen.
