Monday 22 June 2009

days like the waves


I really like shoes like these. And pictures of feet. Feet in shoes, that is.
It's been raining all day. Not exactly typical, Vienna is all about looking like it's about to rain, grey sky, heavy clouds and such, but none of this nonstop, British rain. I don't really mind though, at least there's fun to be had and you can bet that there's going to be a bit of chaos. My tramway had to take another way because there was an accident which seems to happen every single time when the weather isn't its grey/sunny dry self. Summer rain is good.
There was this one summer when I was about sixteen when it just didn't stop pouring for weeks. There were floods all over Austria and the rest of Europe. My family and I had been on a hiking trip that was supposed to take several days, but my brother, my cousin and I gave up because we were so wet and uncomfortable. We took a train back home, leaving my mum and my aunt somewhere in the mountains. I remember spending the days in our flat without any adults about, Konstantin, Joachim, Lisa and I. We didn't really go outside, just sat watching movies and it was like being stranded somewhere. Some days later my friends and I went to the zoo. It was still raining and we all got soaked, rainjackets and umbrellas didn't help. That was also the last time I was part of a big group of friends, that summer. When it was over, I got moody, fed up with everything, but especially groups of friends who gossip and know everything about everyone. And I started listening to The Smiths. Oh, how I like a good cliché.


  1. es war echt wegen dem regen?? ich dachte ich hatte so viel gejammert dass es angeboten wurde zu euch zu fahren... herr der ringe hatte bei mir nicht genug einfluss, aber ich glaube ich würde das wandern jetzt viel mehr schätzen,... ich werde alt...
    wir haben alle star wars episoden angesehen :-) das war echt lustig, und ich habe öfters die küche geputzt :-) ... ich war komisch ...
    übrigens, weißt du das ich von fr auf sa bei euch übernachte?? das heißt wir sehen uns ganz bald! ich freu mich schon!

  2. JA ich weiß!! Ich freu mich schon ur! Sag mal, willst du am Samstag mit zum Donauinselfest kommen? Das ist der einzig gute Tag auf der fm4-Bühne und ich geh auf jeden Fall, würd mich ur freuen, wenn du mitkommen würdest. Das wär dann auch das erste Mal, dass wir nicht daran scheitern würden, miteinander wegzugehen.... Donauinselfest ist zwar furchtbar, dafür sieht man bei der fm4-Bühne so viele hipster und indiekids wie sonst das ganze Jahr über nicht und ich find's immer extrem bizarr und soziologisch abartig.
