Wednesday 4 February 2009

Marry me, stranger

Hi. If I were a man, I'd like to look like this. No, actually, I don't care about being a man, I'd like to look like this guy no matter what. How great are these glasses?? Exactly the kind of glasses I'd like to wear. And exactly the kind of coat I need in my life.
In other news, I've been ill again - I dragged myself to a meeting with a professor today who told me that I looked "more ill than usual". Lots of time to watch silly documentaries, read "I, Claudius" (so gossipy and...Roman!) and make the perfect waffles... and sneezing of course.
Tomorrow I'll spend the night at the museum. Fingers crossed.

1 comment:

  1. Gute Besserung!! Iss mehr Obst, für dein Immunsystem. ;)

    @style-boy: Dead Poets Society meets Harry Potter, würd ich sagen.

    I, Claudius wollt ich immer lesen. Ich mag Graves! Is es gut & empfehlenswert?
