Tuesday 18 November 2008


I just listened to a radio rip of Franz Ferdinand's first single from the new album for the first time. It's coming out in January.
I bit my lip with excitement. It's three minutes filled with awesomeness.
I have now decided my love for them is taking on epic proportions. Ahaha, epic! It's a pun! The song is called "Ulysses"! The chorus goes, "You're not Ulysses, you're never coming home."

Ugh, it's just right in so many ways - you know that feeling when a band you really like is just taking the right steps (or the steps you deem to be right...) and you realise that until now you had been slightly scared that they might go in a direction you wouldn't like (as in: MTV-"rockstars"), but as soon as you listen to a song the first time you get superduperexcited and it's like when you first fell in love with them way back when you were seventeen? You don't know that feeling? Well, that must suck, because it's pretty amazing!
"Ulysses", that's the perfect combination of pretentious (i.e. my background) and pop! I'm so pleased.

Or, quoting Paul (that's the drummer, unbelievers): "AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

1 comment:

  1. Great! (Auch das Bild ist toll.)
    Ich fühlte mich schon ganz ausgelassen (left out), weil ich gar noch nix mitbekommen hab von dem neuen Zeug. Aber wenn die Single erst im Januar kommt, dann muss ich mir nicht so viel vorwerfen, hoff ich. Wah!
    Ulysses-Referenz ist natürlich das beste was man sich vorstellen kann. Hmpf, jetzt werden dann alle glauben meine Texte mit Sisyphos und Midas sind nur von ihnen kopiert. Dabei!

    Das Codewort diesmals ist: culnest.
    Kannst du schon genug französisch um das so schmutzig zu finden wie ich?
