Sunday, 27 March 2011


This is my life right now. I'm reading primary sources during breakfast in the kitchen, then cycling to uni which is usually the best part of my day because it's an opportunity to sing along to the Lucksmiths. I spend most of my day in the library, always in the same room. When I can't see straight anymore, I take my shoes off, drink tons of water and look out of the window. The view is quite beautiful. When night falls and the library is closing, I cycle back home.

Here are three things I've enjoyed outside of the library:
1. The Teenage project looks absolutely fantastic. Great blog, great trailer, can't wait for the film to come out. Old pictures that don't romanticise the past are of great interest to me.
2. This video for The Wake's "Crush the Flowers".
3. Calvin & Hobbes. Always, but especially this one.

Also, can I just say that whenever I read arguments for or against protest marches and demonstrations, it's always about whether it actually changes anything, whether there's any real power in protest. And I do wonder, is it always the aim of protest to change policies? Isn't it just as important to show publicly that there's a large group of people who disagree? Isn't that a good enough reason for protests to exist? At least that way the unhappy part of the population won't be forgotten by future historians, even if it might be ignored by present politicians...


  1. ich like alles! dem letzten absatz kann ich sehr zustimmen. ich bin gespannt, inwiefern demonstrationsgruppen von zukünftigen historikern demographisch/soziologisch zerpflückt werden.

  2. Ich auch! Vor allem, weil's in meiner Diplomarbeit um Protest geht.

  3. I just found your blog, and I adore it! The pictures and your thoughts are wonderful to take in.

  4. great pics as well as your outfits!xoxo

  5. I completely agree with your comments on protests! Sometimes it's more about the statement and feeling like you're making your voice heard than about actually affecting change.

    And I also love the blue of your tights! :)

  6. I agree that it's important even if it doesn't change anything, but I have to say I am really inspired by people who use different forms of protest effectively and with the aim of instigating policy changes... I was just listening on the radio to a story about Velma Bronn Johnson, who started a letter-writing campaign to congress with children to protest the slaughter of wild mustangs and burros. Pretty amazing lady.
