Tuesday 20 May 2008

"stop crying, man."

Yesterday night I finally watched "Gerry" by Gus van Sant. Benedikt had given me the video more than half a year ago, but I had been slightly scared of watching it. I thought it would be polite to return it at some point though, so yesterday I just went through with it.
Why was I scared? Because everyone had said that "Gerry" was much heavier than "Elephant" or "Paranoid Park". A film about two young men getting lost in a desert and not much else, that doesn't exactly sound like the average film about neurotic pretty young people with a nice soundtrack to make you feel good.
Well, "Gerry" definitely didn't make me feel good. It was beautiful and I wish I could have watched it on a big screen in an empty cinema. But it was also the most disturbing film I've seen in a while and I couldn't even say why. "Paranoid Park" was a piece of cake compared to it, and nobody gets cut apart in "Gerry"!
I loved it. The sky and the landscape and the non-existent dialogue and Gerry standing on top of that rock and the horrible ending.

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